What's in the Book
In our journey of discipleship - becoming more like Jesus, we’ll experience Heaviness and Hallelujah! I invite you to journey with me through Lent, as we follow Jesus’ footsteps to Jerusalem and the Cross. Allow yourself to feel the Heaviness of your own sin and brokenness, and the Heaviness of the pain and suffering in the world today. But also experience the Hallelujah! moments in your everyday life. Go from the Heaviness of Jesus being brutally killed on a cross on Good Friday, to the Hallelujah! of Jesus being miraculously raised from the dead on Easter morning, so that we could be fully forgiven, healed and set free! Hallelujah!

What People are Saying

Rev. Scott Dudley
Rosalind Renshaw’s poems celebrating her 25 years of ministry at Bellevue Presbyterian are heart felt explorations of the joys and sorrows we encounter in life. They are emotionally encouraging as well as spiritually instructive and inspiring. Her poetry works well as a daily devotional guide through Lent (or any other season for that matter), helping us embrace both the “Heaviness” and the “Hallelujah!” of life and faith.

Elder Amy Fox
After spending years cultivating a daily morning routine of reading scripture and journaling, I found that I had gotten stuck. I was having trouble hearing God’s word, or seeing how these ancient stories applied directly to my life. Of course, I loved learning about God and God’s people through scripture, but much of what I read felt so distant from what I was dealing with in my life. I wasn’t having any arguments about eating meat that had been used in idol worship!
And then, God used a divine appointment to lead me to Rosalind and she was gracious enough to gift me a book of her poetry. I read several poems and it was as though Rosalind had seen everything I was struggling with – self-doubt, fear, whether or not God loved me – and translated God’s word just for me. Now, each morning I read a poem and the accompanying scripture; I underline the words and phrases that seem to be written directly to me, and then I write freely. No more careful penmanship and staying between the lines, I scrawl with messy chicken-scratch because there is so much in me that needs to respond to her inspired words and the scriptures she illuminates. Rosalind’s poetry has rejuvenated my morning devotional time and invigorated my journey to find freedom in Christ.

Rev. Annie Duncan
Rosalind has an incredible way of capturing the thoughts and questions that we face internally through her vulnerable and heartfelt words. Her words posture readers with everyday encounters with a good Father that meets us right where we are at.

Groups Director Lori Jensen
Rosalind writes from her heart and shares a powerful message of hope, encouragement, and strength. Her words are a gift for us all!

Rev. Dick Leon
I commend to you the thoughtful and faithful poems of my friend and colleague in ministry, Rosalind Renshaw. She blends her unique gifts of deep personal faith, fresh and expansive imagination and a mastery of language to lead us all into another encounter with our gracious Lord.

Christina Dudley
In the tradition of the Psalms, Rosalind's poems contain her innermost thoughts and confessions, her insights into God's nature and the praises those bring. Just as when we overhear others praying aloud, Rosalind's poems can aid our own devotions.

Rev. Walter Ray
I have known Rosalind for almost 30 years. She is a special creation of God. She has experienced "agonies and ecstasies" in her life, and has a unique gift of expressing how God's love will accompany us through these turbulent times. I highly recommend this book to you. Be prepared for a moving and rewarding journey that will bring you closer to our Lord.
About Rosalind

Rosalind Renshaw grew up in England where she worked as a speech therapist. Her journey to “find herself” took her all around the world, and eventually Rosalind began a new life in California. She took a huge leap in her willingness to trust God and risk when, in 1989, she responded to God’s invitation to enroll in Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA. Upon graduation, twenty-five years ago, Rosalind was called to Bellevue Presbyterian Church, and ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Rosalind and her husband, William, love the Pacific Northwest and are so grateful that God called their family to such a beautiful area and to such a wonderful church. Rosalind has been inspired to write about her spiritual journey for over 35 years. It has been an unexpected joy to find that her prayers – her two way conversations with God – speak to the hearts of many others, encouraging and challenging them to risk and grow in their own walk of faith.
Rosalind currently serves as an Associate Pastor for Care focusing on pastoral care, prayer and visitation.
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